Convenience Services
At Alpena Community Credit Union, we offer a variety of services to make your life a bit easier, both online and at the credit union.
- Home Banking at: It’s Me 247 Online Banking
- Mobile Application
- Shared Branching with Local Credit Unions
- Share Draft Accounts / Starter Checks
- Direct Deposit and Payroll Deduction
- Classic Visa
- Platinum Visa
- Low Cost Loans
- Home Mortgages
- Home Equity Loans
- 24 Hour ATM Machine
- ATM & Debit Cards
- Money Orders
- Cashier Checks
- Other Insurance Programs (i.e., auto, life, etc.)
- IRA Accounts (Traditional & Roth)
- HSA Savings and Debit Accounts
- Certificates of Deposit ($2,000.00 Minimum)
- Free Notary Service for our Members
- Deposits by Mail
- Used Car Prices
- Family Membership
- Christmas Club Accounts
- Transfer by Phone
- Copies
- Fax
- Postage Stamps
- Night Deposit
- Alpena Power
- Drive Thru Service
- CU Talk (Automated Phone Transfer &Inquiries) 1-800-860-5704
- Confidential Financial Assistance
- Apple Pay/Google Pay
- Bill Pay
To report a lost or stolen Visa card after hours please call FIS 1-800-543-5073 or Visa Direct 1-800-VISA911.
To report a lost or stolen ATM/Debit card after hours please call within the United States 1-888-241-2510 and outside the United States 1-909-941-1398